The internal spring training camp was held

Once a quarter, we have meetings to gather members who are working in Fukuoka, Tokyo and Tokushima. We consider that this is a great opportunity to communicate with each other face to face, because we normally maintain contact online at a distance.
The internal spring training camp this time was held in Kamiyama, Tokushima. We supported the town to establish a corporation as well as making a policy of creation strategies of Kamiyama Town. The Kamiyama TSUNAGU Corporation was established in April 2016 to be an intermediary support organization of public-private partnership. With that relationship, Goto joined the Kamiyama TSUNAGU Corporation as an Executive Director and our member from Tokushima Liaison Office joined it as an officer.
In the training camp, we discussed about the significant internal issues and listened to speeches given by Shinya Ominami, the Chairman of Green Valley Inc., and Taichi Manabe, the Chief Operating Officer of Food Hub Projects Inc. We also visited a brewery which would be opened at the end of May, as well as a housing complex which was under construction. We learned many things for our own duty through this training camp. Also, with warm support from mothers in the area, our members’ families including small children could also come to stay in Kamiyama. This experience showed the ideal training camp in Kamiyama Town, where ‘the new way of working’ is practiced.
With Shinya Ominami, Director of Green Valley Inc.