
Ai Iishi

Director / Real Public Estate, coordinator /, director

From Sapporo City in Hokkaido Prefecture. After graduating from Sophia University, School of Literature, Department of Newspapers, she worked at a consulting company providing business improvement support for municipalities. Subsequently she worked at a company involved in corporate CSR project planning and implementations support as well as administrative support for NPOs around the country etc. before going independent in 2013. From 2014 she participated in the planning of the start-up of Media “Public R Real Estate” in order to make public facilities and spaces more interesting. She has also been involved in public-private partnership renovation and town-building projects in towns around the country. While flying around the country, she is practicing various town-building activities incorporating town players implementing “Toshima Council” and promoting projects of the publicly built and privately operated park “Minami-Ikebukuro Park” etc. to make the local Toshima District a more interesting place to live. In January 2017 she participated in the planning of this company’s Tokyo liaison. She coordinated operations while adopting a proactive approach to town-building and urban strategy based town-building.

She is in charge of project direction and strategic policy support for implementation in Region Works.

Having many work-related opportunities to travel around the country, she enjoys being able to come into contact with the many interesting local people and appealing things that can’t be found elsewhere. More than travelling using a guide book, it is important to her to visit people and experience encounters resulting from a natural series of events.

  • #strategy
  • #community management
  • #business promotion
  • #public space